[wix-users] SWID tag - removed when Bundle is 'updated'

Bob Arnson bob at firegiant.com
Thu Aug 27 11:54:36 PDT 2015

>From v3.10.0.2026? Then yes, please file a bug. Logs would be appreciated, I'm sure. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users [mailto:wix-users-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org] On Behalf Of Phill Hogland
Sent: Thursday, 27 August, 2015 14:43
To: WiX Uses (wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org) <wix-users at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Subject: [wix-users] SWID tag - removed when Bundle is 'updated'

I added a swid:tag to my Bundle.  (I did not add to any of the Products elements yet, just the Bundle element).

I installed the Bundle on a clean test system (Win 8.1 x64).  After a successful install the swidtag folder was at the expected path with the file [WixBundlName].swidtag.

After making unrelated changes, I re-built my Bundle (which follows the MajorUpgrade behavior with a new 'Id', an incremented version, but the same UpgradeCode).  I copied v2 of this Bundle to the test system and installed it.  After the new Bundle was installed the swidtag folder which had previously existed was no more.   I ran repair, and after doing that the swidtag folder still did not exist.  I uninstalled the Bundle, then installed the Bundle (the same v2 that was just repaired and then uninstalled), and after this "Install" succeeded the swidtag folder existed as it had previously.

I captured all of the logs related to the original install of Bundle v1, the update to Bundle v2, the repair, the uninstall, and second Install of v2.  I did not find reference to creating the swidtag in the Bundle log, so I am not sure which portions of the log would be helpful for me to post.  Unfortunately I used my biggest most complex Bundle ( over 250 packages) for this experiment.  I should probably pick a simpler test scenario and repeat the experiment.  However I post this information in the event it might be helpful, as I suspect that the removal of the swidtag folder in a subsequent re-build of the same Bundle is not intended.  Do you want me to file a bug?


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