[wix-devs] Debugging WIX4/Burn Unit tests

Hoover, Jacob Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com
Mon Oct 31 14:24:14 PDT 2022

Trying to test my changes, and I've run into an issue where the unit test host process is crashing. Note this only happens on x64, and it's triggering a breakpoint from

        void VariantBasicTest()
            BURN_VARIANT expectedVariants[10];
            BURN_VARIANT actualVariants[10];
            for (DWORD i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                BVariantUninitialize(expectedVariants + i); // This is the line causing the issue...
                BVariantUninitialize(actualVariants + i);

BVariantUninitialize ->StrSecureZeroFreeString->StrSecureZeroString->StrSize->MemSizeChecked->MemSize

extern "C" SIZE_T DAPI MemSize(
    __in LPCVOID pv
//    AssertSz(vfMemInitialized, "MemInitialize() not called, this would normally crash");
    return ::HeapSize(::GetProcessHeap(), 0, pv);

HeapSize is stating that the Heap has been corrupted.

Does our CI pipeline build and run the x64 tests?


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