[wix-devs] 4666 - Add support in Burn for versions that aren't valid MSI versions

Bob Arnson bob at firegiant.com
Sun Jun 28 13:39:06 PDT 2020

There's a lot of math in the code that assumes bundle versions are QWORDs. Some people want to show versions that are QWORDable but "special" (like leading zeroes and such). Short of SemVer, I'm not sure it's worth a change.

-----Original Message-----
From: wix-devs <wix-devs-bounces at lists.wixtoolset.org> On Behalf Of Sean Hall via wix-devs
Sent: Sunday, 28 June, 2020 01:22
To: WiX Toolset Developer Mailing List <wix-devs at lists.wixtoolset.org>
Cc: Sean Hall <r.sean.hall at gmail.com>
Subject: [wix-devs] 4666 - Add support in Burn for versions that aren't valid MSI versions

https://github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/4666 was written to ask whether Burn should support semantic versioning. To me, that would also mean getting Burn not to assume that all versions can be specified in a QWORD.
My intuition tells me that this would be a breaking change. Has anyone put enough thought into designing this to prove it can be done in a non-breaking way?
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