[wix-devs] Fw: Applying a condition in Component

Laique Abbas laiqueabbas_is at yahoo.com
Fri Jan 20 05:21:02 PST 2017

 Hi,  I need to skip a component when the setup is executed in"Repair Mode". I am using "REINSTALLMODE" Property toidentify if the setup is executing in Repair Mode. Below is the code snippetfor the Component.  <Component Id='UpdateConfig' Guid='EDA4F128-BCC1-4C0A-B8AC-588FCF3B64EB' KeyPath='yes'>           <Condition>             <![CDATA[REINSTALLMODE<>"ecmus"]]>           </Condition><util:XmlFile Id='IP' Action="setValue" ElementPath="//configuration/appSettings/add[\[]@key='IP'[\]]/@value" File="[INSTALLLOCATION]Service.exe.config" Value="[SERVERIP]" /></Component>  I can get the property value REINSTALLMODE="ecmus"from the log file but the condition in component is not working. I have triedNOT operator as well but it is not working.  Can you please help me identify the issue here.  Thanks  Regards,Mufaddal


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