[wix-devs] Targeting .NET Standard for DTF

Heath Stewart Heath.Stewart at microsoft.com
Thu Sep 29 15:13:21 PDT 2016

Okay, here's a non-work ask/idea. I want to use my MSI cmdlets in a few environments that only support .NET Core (i.e. Nano Server; I've also had a few asks for this, and it opens up some cool testing - even development - scenarios since Windows 10 can run Nano Server containers). To do that, I need DTF to target .NET Standard. A cursory glance suggestions this could just work (may need to change a few innards, but probably no public surface area). It would still run on the Framework (depending on the lowest .NET Standard I can target - probably 1.1 which is equivalent to .NET Framework 4.5). Any problems with that part?

Additionally, to stop checking in binaries to my git enlistment, I'd love to do the work to make DTF fetchable from NuGet. I know you (Rob) have stated before that it wouldn't make sense until DTF is its own repository, but it makes it more accessible to developers and could still ship in conjunction to WiX releases. Pushing to a nuget repo from a private, secured build is easy and I'm happy to help prop that support up if needed.

Heath Stewart
Visual Studio, Microsoft

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