[wix-devs] NuGet support for wixlibs

Tom Glastonbury tomg at zanyants.com
Mon Mar 7 01:31:37 PST 2016

This is about using NuGet packages to distribute wixlibs, and follows on


I'm not sure if WiX has grown built-in support for this since that thread
was posted, but I failed to find anything despite vigorous Googling. We
needed this functionality in-house at my workplace, so I created a NuGet
package that, when added to a WiX Library project, extends the build
process to produce a NuGet package that can be added to a WiX project,
adding a reference to the wixlib. In case it might be useful for others,
I've put the project on github and published the generator package to
nuget.org. The project is called WixNuGetPackager.


See the github project homepage for details of use, and notably a
disclaimer regarding limited test scenarios.



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