[wix-devs] Documentation on Appsyndication part of feed.

Hoover, Jacob Jacob.Hoover at greenheck.com
Fri Jul 15 07:51:40 PDT 2016

I know I've asked about this before, but I can't seem to find any details (other than what's in code) for the http://appsyndication.org/2006/appsyn namespace of the update feed. As I am working on a possible option for automatic feed building, I'm pondering the definitions of <as:application> at the top level (upgrade code) vs having it at the entry level (could be bundle ID here). I also question if <as:digest> would be of value (on the entry), where we could verify the checksum of the downloaded update file vs what's in the feed to verify it before launching an arbitrary exe.

Having the bundle id in the feed would simplify the one issue the engine has where it downloads an updated per user bundle and doesn't know where to put it.  Initially it was going to the existing bundles location but then not copying, but then I proposed a patch to use a random GUID for storage.  If we had the actual ID, we could use it instead, but I am not certain if that's the right way to do it.  We could also have a native implementation of BundleReader to peak into the PE header and get the bundle id.


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